
Iris Graphics 540 vs Iris Graphics 6100

Both graphics cards have the same power consumption of 15 Watt. · Iris Graphics 540 is connected by PCIe 3.0 x1, and Iris Graphics 6100 uses PCIe 2.0 x1 ...

Iris Graphics 6100 vs Radeon RX 540

Radeon RX 540 has 333% more power consumption, than Iris Graphics 6100. · Iris Graphics 6100 is connected by PCIe 2.0 x1, and Radeon RX 540 uses PCIe 3.0 x16 ...

Intel Iris Pro HD 6100 (Mobile) vs Nvidia GeForce GT 540M

Based on 20731 user benchmarks for the Intel Iris Pro HD 6100 (Mobile) and the Nvidia GeForce GT 540M, we rank them both on effective speed and value for ...

Intel Iris 540 (Mobile Skylake) vs Pro HD 6100 ...

Based on 9994 user benchmarks for the Intel Iris 540 (Mobile Skylake) and the Iris Pro HD 6100 (Mobile), we rank them both on effective speed and value for ...

Iris Graphics 6100 vs Iris Graphics 540 [6

Iris Graphics 540 outperforms Iris Graphics 6100 by a considerable 40% based on our aggregate benchmark results. Detailed specifications · Synthetic benchmarks · In-game performance...

GeForce GT 540M vs Iris Graphics 6100

Iris Graphics 6100 is 88% faster in 900p; GT 540M is 43% faster in 1080p. Here's the range of performance differences observed across popular games: in ...

Intel Iris Graphics 6100 vs Intel Iris Graphics 540

As successors of the HD Graphics 6000 (Broadwell), the Iris Graphics 540 can be found in CPUs of 15-watt series and offers 64 MB of dedicated eDRAM memory.

Intel Iris Graphics 6100 vs Intel Iris Graphics 540 vs Intel Iris Pro ...

As successors of the HD Graphics 6000 (Broadwell), the Iris Graphics 540 can be found in CPUs of 15-watt series and offers 64 MB of dedicated eDRAM memory.

Iris Graphics 6100 與Iris Graphics 540 :哪個更好?

我們比較了兩個定位於集成顯卡的GPU:0System Shared顯存的Iris Graphics 6100 與0System Shared顯存的Iris Graphics 540 。您將了解兩者在主要規格、基準測試、功耗等 ...

Iris Graphics 540 vs Iris Graphics 6100

We compared two Integrated graphics card GPUs: 0System Shared VRAM Iris Graphics 540 and 0System Shared VRAM Iris Graphics 6100 to see which GPU has better ...


Bothgraphicscardshavethesamepowerconsumptionof15Watt.·IrisGraphics540isconnectedbyPCIe3.0x1,andIrisGraphics6100usesPCIe2.0x1 ...,RadeonRX540has333%morepowerconsumption,thanIrisGraphics6100.·IrisGraphics6100isconnectedbyPCIe2.0x1,andRadeonRX540usesPCIe3.0x16 ...,Basedon20731userbenchmarksfortheIntelIrisProHD6100(Mobile)andtheNvidiaGeForceGT540M,werankthembothoneffectivespeedandvaluefor ...,Base...

限時免費 Iris Pro 1.2.0 電腦螢幕護眼軟體工具

限時免費 Iris Pro 1.2.0 電腦螢幕護眼軟體工具
